Sunday, November 7, 2010

Halloween Recap...

Well another Halloween is over, and I think I have recovered from the sugar rush. I intentionally did not keep all the extra candy bars that the boys don't eat this year (my hips are already thanking me), and I have managed to hide most of the candy they do eat so that I can bring it out a little at a time.

It was another typical Halloween in that we had school parties, trunk or treat, and then trick or treated, but it was not typical in that Walker actually dressed up this year. He is not a fan of costumes, and he has refused to wear one since he was 2. He has always worn a Halloween t-shirt, this year though he decided he wanted to be Billy the Exterminator. If you are not familiar with "Billy" and have an hour or so to spare, you should check him out on A&E Tuesday nights. He's an exterminator that dresses like a rock star. Walker loves him, and I have to admit he is rather entertaining. Here's Walker rocking his Billy outfit.

My friend said I needed to inquire about Walker wearing the shades to school because he was a different man walking around in them. HA! Here's the real "Billy".
Connor decided to be a pirate, again. He actually "decided" on several different costumes, but the pirate was what we went with. He insisted I put a parrot on his shoulder. The only parrot I could find was a cat toy (filled with catnip). I cut the bell off, stuck it on with velcro, and prayed we didn't run into any cats while trick or treating.
I didn't make a lot of treats this year since I am now working full time, but I did manage to make some Candy Corn Bark for the boys' teachers. It was extremely simple and they all liked it. If you're interested in making your own I just melted white chocolate, and then added candy corn, oreos, and peanuts. Spread it on wax paper and then after it cools break it into pieces and bag it up.
I hope you had a great Halloween. I am still struggling with the fact that Christmas is only 48 days away and I haven't even thought about my shopping or crafting!

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