Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Let the FUN begin!

Well, today I have finally decided to "officially" start my blog. I am gonna name this little blog Mandi Shandi's because that is what my Mom always called me as a little girl. What can I say, I needed a name and it was available. Anyway, as my good friend Staci would say, I have been a "stalker" for a long time. I absolutely love to browse other blogs in search of inspiring ideas for my home or scrapbooks. I have come to find that all you bloggers out there never disappoint. After much consideration, I decided that I also may have something to add to this world of creativity on display in Blog-land (yes I made that up, but that is where I tell my husband I am going when I disappear to the office computer). I am really excited about this, but am the first to say I am a complete amateur, so I am gonna beg and plead (okay, I am on my knees here) for some love from you experienced bloggers as I try to figure this whole thing out.

1 comment:

  1. Well, welcome to blogland Mandi Shandi!!!! :) I can't WAIT to see all the fabulous stuff you're gonna bring to the world of blogging, and I hope we "experienced"(?) bloggers can inspire you to keep it up! Thanks for coming out of "lurkdom"!!
