Saturday, November 15, 2008

Living a Dream I Don't Deserve...

So we just got back from a day at the river. We had a wonderful time, but it had started raining on us this evening and the boys were exceptionally tired from their fun day so we decided to come on home instead of staying all night. On my way home I was thinking of the way blogging has become something I love in a really short amount of time. One of my favorite bloggers, Edie always has such a way with words on her blog. (You should check out this post about why blogging is so special. Edie really nailed it). Her top caption reads, "Living a dream we don't deserve." Whew! Does that hit home to anyone else? I think about that statement often. So tonight while I am comfy and cozy in my warm house with my 2 precious boys and wonderful husband I am thinking a lot about the life I have and how blessed I am. A few of the things that come to mind...

The carefree laughter of my boys when they get tickled...

A husband that works really hard so I can work at home, and can do a "GGRRRR" face too!

An incredible brother, sister, and parents...

Golf cart rides with the wind in our hair...

The occasional nap Connor takes in my arms. (So rare I don't have a picture.)

Daily adventures with Connor, a.k.a Wild Man...

The perfect s'more and being able to teach Walker the art of making one!

Nemo underwear, chubby legs, and hightop Converse sneakers. What a combination.

Watching the little wheels turning in their heads...

Those faces that tell you everything you need to know...

Listening to the boys sing and watching them dance...

The insights of a 3 year old...

Last night snuggled up with my 2 boys on the sofa I said, " I'm the luckiest girl in the world." Walker responds, "No Mom. You're the luckiest LADY in the world." I could not have said it better myself.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Mandi,
    Oh that 'little red headed tornado' is about the cutest thing ever...especially in the nemo skivvies, high tops and chubby little it. Great post too. It's all the little things, isn't it? Thanks so much for your kind words. I'm so glad we're blog friends!

  3. How unbelievably sweet, and insightful! I too am so grateful for those sweet little moments that make my life so blessed. And how cute are those chubby thighs? And how come they can't be cute on a grown up?
