Thursday, November 6, 2008


Sweet SUCCESS!! Thursday is our day at The Little Gym, and Walker participated today. For those who do not know Walker, this is a huge deal. He is not big on new situations or people. They really stress him out. BUT, today he was a little champ. He made friends and helped with the smaller kids. He sang, ran, jumped, climbed, and had a blast. The highlight was when he looked up at me and said, "I'm having so much fun!". Connor, in his usual style, had a great time as well. He thinks he is big stuff and needs to walk on the balance beam alone. There are mats under it, but still, a 3-4 foot fall would hurt. He would look at me and say, "Go away moma. You go over there." with that little finger pointing across the room. Mr. Independance. I was not able to get many pics because I have to constantly supervise Conman, but here are the ones I got...

Walker before we got started, rather unsure.

Does this place look fun or what?

Connor was ready to go in the gym Literally climbing the walls.

Con doing some of his tricks.

At the end of the day hugging his new friend.

Next we headed to Chick-fil-a for lunch and then to the car lot. Well, that's what I call it. We went to Toys-R-Us for the boys to test out the ride on toys. It was like a car lot for kids with so many choices. They will probably get one they can both ride in for Christmas. Walker's legs are so long, and they both need to fit comfortably. Man have these things changed since I was a kid. They have real FM radios, seat belts, gears. I'm jealous!

Digging the green. They'd be easy to see.

A good fit for Connor.
A little tight for 2.

Too small.

Likey, Likey! They liked the Cadillac Escalade a lot too.
We did a little more shopping, and then the boys had to get flu shots. Walker got the mist up his nose, but he was devastated that Connor had to get a shot. I think he cried more than Con did over the situation.
All in all it was a good and productive day in our house. Hope yours was too.

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