Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Okay so you have been warned and if you are reading any further, then you are fair game. It has been a whole week since I have blogged and I am in withdrawal! I have been checking up on all of the blogs I follow, but I have been running around crazy since Thanksgiving and have not had any spare time to post. Lots happened, both good and bad, which do you want first? It's up to me? Okay, well I'm gonna start with the bad so we can finish with the positive and move on.

My life has been a bit like a bad country music song since Saturday. The holiday was wonderful and shopping was great, we got lots of good deals and it was not near as crazy as black fridays in years past. I was so excited to get home Saturday morning and Deck the Halls, craft, and drink coffee while I sang Christmas music at the top of my lungs. We woke up to pouring rain, so only the inside of the house could get decorated, okay no big deal. THEN we got home and realized our garage had been robbed (luckily they didn't get into the house) and that put my festive mood to a screeching halt. They only took guns, so it could be worse, but it still leaves you feeling so violated and just flat out pissed off! Well, after spending an enchanting morning with the police and visiting neighbors to "see if they saw anything", I finally came in and started putting up the Christmas trees, the mood was gone, but it still had to be done.

I got the trees up, but still have to do the mantle. That will have to wait until this week. We put our big tree in the formal living room, and then put a smaller tree for the boys, in the family room and they each have a tree in their rooms as well. I have to admit, as the decorating progressed I did begin to catch the spirit of the season.

On Sunday, I had to travel back to TN to get the boys, and to say that the traffic was bad would be an understatement. I sat still way more than I moved and it poured rain the whole time! Wrecks were everywhere, and it was just a bad day to travel, thankfully God kept us safe and we made it to TN in 8.5 hours (it usually takes 5).

It snowed on Monday, which was beautiful, and we had Connor's 2nd birthday party at Nonnie's house. It was fun, but Walker was still sick, so he had a rough evening.

Connor cheering for himself. We had to let him blow out his candles 4 times.

Here he is after he licked the chocolate cake.

Travelling home was fine, but on the way back, our precious dog Bella passed away. She was a beautiful blue neopolitan mastiff and the sweetest dog ever. My wonderful Mother in law did all she could to save her. She even took her to the emergency vet, but she had a heart attack and there was nothing they could do. The worst part was that she was only 7. She was our first "child" we got her before we got married, so she will always be special.
Connor loved to ride Bella like a horse.

I don't know who loved the ride more!

Needless to say, it has been an emotionally draining and tiring few days, but I am glad to be home so I can start spreading some Christmas cheer and get the rest of the house done. The boys are still not feeling quite right, 2 weeks later, so we are going BACK to the doctor today.

Now for the positive... I got my first blog award, AND I'M SO EXCITED, I JUST CAN'T HIDE IT!!! I'M ABOUT TO LOSE CONTROL, AND I THINK I LIKE IT! ( I hope you are singing the song now!)

I don't know if you have ever read Miss(es) Canadian Pie's blog or not, but she is fabulous and writes about her journey as a new bride and turning their house into a home. She always posts the very best deals and steals around. I love her for several reasons, (her name is Mandi too) but she is one of my first blog friends and so that makes her extra special! (Mandi thanks so much for this. I really appreciate it!)

So, the rules to this go something like this...

1. Post the award on your blog

2. Link me for giving it to you

3. Link back to the originating post nominating you

4. Pass the award on to 5 more deserving people

5. Post these rules for your recipients

Seems simple enough! Here are 5 other blogs that I adore and would love to send this award to:

1. Edie @ Life in Grace

2. Amanda @ Imperfectly Beautiful

3. Amy @ A Little of This and a Little of That

4. Wendy @ The Shabby Nest

5. Positively Creative @ Livin' Life Patino Style

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I am off to a night of laundry and crafting. I have to get some of these Christmas presents made!


  1. Thanks so much, I too enjoy your blog....I know how you feel about blog withdrawal, I go through the same sometimes, but it's also good to make blogging you LAST priority when it comes to just family..!
    Thanks again!

  2. I can't believe what a crappy week you've had! I am so sorry! And poor Bella, I have to tell Shann...he loved that big 'ol dog! And your garage! I would DIE!!! However it seems as if they "hit the mother load" with the guns in the garage...maybe look into getting ADT or something, that way you don't have to worry when you are travelling so much! So sorry, will pray the boys get pics of your trees! Can't wait to see! Love ya!

  3. Well bless your heart! Shame on that person that helped himself to your guns. Lets hope he gets whats coming to him. Im glad to hear that you didnt let it steal your joy and you went on with your holiday. Im also sorry about your fur pup. I know he will be missed. What a beautiful guy he was!! I hope your days will be brighter and your boys will be feeling better. My middle one woke up this morning to a stomach bug. Ugh... hope it ends with her and doesnt wipe out our house. Clean ....thats what Im off to do now~

  4. Mandi,
    So sorry about your trials. The guy who stole my purse went on a rampage to about 20 others.....I think they may get him. And so sorry about your puppy. We lost our 12 yo golden retriever a couple of years back and it took me forever to get over it. You are so kind with the award too. I've enjoyed so much all the new friends I've made through blogging.
