Monday, December 22, 2008

Weekend Recap...

The weekend was super busy, but a lot of fun. I think the best way to share it with you is by letting the pictures tell the story.

Let's start with the Festival of Lights on Friday night. Absolutely spectacular. I have to say, I have a good camera, but I don't think any camera can do these lights justice.

They have a carousel, which is always a big hit with the boys. Mama was Walker's riding partner. Connor and I with the Dalmation.

For those of you not from here, the bridge in Charleston is famous. It used to be called the Cooper River Bridge, but it is now called the Ravenel Bridge. Anyway, I could not catch it on film, but this light display shows the silhouette of the old bridge turning into the new bridge (which is shown.) The lights are also on the bank of a pond so at night this is spectacular.
This poinsettia thing was huge.

Sand sculpture of Santa's village. This is South Carolina's answer to an ice sculpture!
You can't really tell it, but the trees behind us have colored buttons, and the color of the lights is determined by the color of the button you push. This amazed the boys!
This is Rainbow Row in lights. There were so many more I wish I could share, but like I said before, I did a bad job with the camera so will spare you.

Saturday we had Nana's Christmas party, and we had to make sugar cookies and a couple of dips. We also made those Poppyseed Ham Rolls, and they were delish! The dips went over well, but the ham rolls were the biggest hit. (Click Here for the recipe.)

Here are the sugar cookies Walkie made.
He really got into the sprinkles.

He was so proud and he and his pj's were covered in flour!

Do you recognize Santa? Luckily the boys didn't!

The party was a lot of fun. Sandy's parties always are, but on the way to the car Walker tripped and fell in the driveway. He was barefooted so he skinned his knees, elbows and one toe pretty bad. Walker is a rather dramatic child, so all day Sunday we nursed his injuries. Look and tell me this is not a hoot...
This is Walker's hurt toe wrapped in a bandage, in a wet washcloth, in a sock. Whatever works I guess!

Sunday I crafted all day, in an attempt to finish my Christmas gifts. My wonderful husband watched the boys, and here are a few of the things I made that I can show you. The rest will have to wait until after Christmas since the other gifts are for people that read the blog.

Lon's family got the biggest kick out of the elf yourself video, so I decided to make them some ornaments with the pictures on them. They turned out really cute and were not that hard to make, just a little time consuming.

This is one for Aunt Dora Mae who is actually Lon's great aunt. This amazed her. She had "no idea computers could do such things!"

This is what they looked like on the back.
I made this one for Sandy, and it has all of her family on it. It is actually sewn so she can hang it on a doorknob, or it is small enough to put on the tree if she wanted to.

This one is for Lon's Grandparents. It says "Our Greatest Blessings call us Mama and Papa." She decorates with a lot of blue and khaki, so this should be right up her alley.

I LOVED how this pillow tured out for Lon's Uncle and his girlfriend. They have a beach house and we all love to use it. It has flip flops all over it and it says "You never know how many friends you have until you buy a house at the beach."

As you can see we had a fun and productive weekend. I hope you did too!

1 comment:

  1. All of your crafts looks great! I hope that you have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
