Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Brought to You by the Letter C...

So Amy at A Little of This and a Little of That has this fun little game going on her blog where you are provided a letter, and you have to tell some facts about yourself that start with that letter. Never one to miss out, I decided to play along. I was given the letter C. Here we go...

1. Connor Brett is my Crazy redheaded boy. Connie Bea is my Mom's name and we named Connor after her.

2. Children... I have 2. Walker and Connor. We are done and will have no more. Yes a girl would have been nice, but I am Content with my 2 Charming boys.

3. College is where Lonnie and I met and fell in l0ve, ETSU to be exact. Some of my very best friends are from this time as well.

4. Crafting is a passion of mine. Any time, anywhere, with anyone. Need I say more?

5. Compassionate and Caring. I like to think I am both of these, or atleast I strive to be. Sometimes I probably am caring to the point of being naive.

6. Creativity is one thing that keeps me motivated. If I can turn any Chore into something Creative, I will enjoy it much more.

7. Coffee. I love it! I am a bit of a Coffee snob and like the good stuff, even though my dad says I ruin it by using too much Cream and splenda.

8. Chocolate... I must have it everyday. Even on Weight Watcher's there is room for a little chocolate. My sister has just turned me on to the Dove's dark chocolate. I have always been a milk chocolate girl, but I am not one to discriminate!

9. Computer... I love my computer and all of the blogging buddies I have made because of it, and how easy it makes keeping up with family and friends.

10. Cooking... I love it and even though I am doing a healthier version of it these days, I will always have a sweet to and love to cook and entertain.

On that note... If you want to play, leave a comment on this post letting me know, and I’ll assign you a letter. You write about ten things you love that begin with your assigned letter, and post it at your place. When people comment on your list, you give them a letter, and the chain continues on and on! Thanks for playing and have a fabulous weekend!


  1. I love your list Mandi! Especially the coffee and cream...which I am savoring as we speak!

  2. looks like fun...send me a letter...but you know me....i've been sitting here an hour trying to remember how to add pictures...i've even been reading the help windows...just not real sharp on this computer stuff!! you lucked-up by getting the C...great
    p.s. thanks to my keurig, we're becoming cooffee snobs!

  3. Wow...That is fun! :) Hi, My name is Meme from Screaming Meme and Project: {Create A Home}...I want to personally invite you over to my blogs...SM is my main blog and the Project is my new blog that I created to get inspiring and creative women to come together and be inspired to reach our goals and dreams...It is a mix of wonderful topics like decorating,cooking, baking, organizing,money,relationships,spirituality, and learning easy ways to make our lives happier...I hope to see you over there and at SM! Meme

  4. Oh I want to play! I am just now getting to do the award thingy...or I am going to try should I say!
