Saturday, January 24, 2009

Lemonade Anyone?

I was so honored to receive the Lemondade Award from my dear friend Mandi over at Misses Canadian Pie. If you don't know Mandi, you really should stop over at her bl0g and visit with her. She is a wonderful Christian and is just full of creative ideas and inspiration.

What this award is about...
Bloggers who show great attitude and gratitude. ( Now do you see why I was so honored?)

What you have to do...

Upon receiving The Lemonade Award, you also pass it on to other bloggers who you think show great attitude and gratitude. Here are the rules:

1. Put the logo on your blog or post.

2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!

3. Link to your nominees within your post.

4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.

Now for my nominees, drumroll please...

1. Tricia @ Craft Addict
3. Melissa @ 320 Sycamore
4. Susie @ Bienvenue
5. Edie @ Life in Grace
7. Positively Creative @ Livin' Life Patino Style
9. Shannon @ Bless Our Nest
10. The Gals at Little Birdie Secrets
I chose these blogs because I follow all of them and just love the people that write them. Keep up the good work!


  1. Good for you on that great award! Thank you for passing it on to me.... Thanks~

  2. Oh thanks's my first ever blog award! Yippee!! I will do this as soon as little bit is off in la-la land!! Thanks again!

  3. you are sweet...i'm a terrible blogger so to make up for it I'm suggesting a couple you might really enjoy...
    Jane Anne is the daughter of friends of our...she lives in Washington State and does a great job like you blogging...alos on hers is a place to enter for give-aways....I think it is (check her blog to make sure) I'll try to be better about keeping up with my blog! thanks friend...patti b.

  4. OOOH thanks, you are super sweet....I will get to it just as soon as I can, probably tomorrow!
    I love your blog, and your photos...I am so interested in this and looking into it...FUN!
    Sorry that I am not always commenting on your blog, but DO know that I check it often and love it all!!!

  5. Mandi-Thank you so much for my first ever blog award! I love your blog too and am so happy we've "met". I did my post and passed along The Lemonade Award late last night (I got a little behind after 6 days of the stomach bug in our house!)

    By the way, CONGRATS on your awesome weight loss so far. Keep up the great work! I'll send you a few of my fav. WW recipes when I get caught up too.
