Thursday, February 26, 2009


Sorry for another silly post, but this one is too funny not to share! My parents always fuss (my Dad especially) about how they can NEVER get any good customer service at the restaurants when they visit us. I am talking fast food restaurants, not the nicer ones. ANYWAY, my girlfriend Toni just called ranting and raving about her Subway experience, and this comedy clip came to mind. Watch it if you have a minute, but be prepared to LAUGH OUT LOUD!


  1. that is one funny chick!!! after being in the deep south last week, this is right on! pb

  2. Oh man, I feel like I've had that experience before. Sac-ur-itee! Ahaha!

    I got my craft package today! Girl, I was so excited!!!!! Thank you so much for the tote and tassel. I finally own a tassel!!! Girl, thank you so so much. I'm going to go blog about it now. :)

  3. Is that just not the funniest thing ever! Im still laughing! Thank you also for the sweet comment today. It was very heartfelt...{hugs your way}!

  4. Girl....All I wanted was for her to change her gloves before she made my sandwich...I didn't think it was too much to ask!! Nevertheless, I will stick to bringing my lunch to work!!

  5. You were right! I laughed out loud!

  6. Anjelah Johnson is so talented - SNL needs her.

    Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog. Did I tell you how much I love your red-headed kiddies?
