Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Weight Watchers Wednesday, Week 6

Good morning! It is WWW week 6 for me. I lost .8 lb. this week, for a running total of 15.8 lbs. I got a little lax on my food journal and have been able to tell it on the scale. I also had a very stressful couple of days, and sort of went back to my old ways. I say "sort of" because I ate a little junk, but I did not go all the way (i.e. 3 Arby's turnovers in one day) like I used to do. I caught myself and felt the slip and was able to get back on track. Having Lon on WW too has been a huge help. He is a great source of accountability and a good sounding board. Also, knowing all you ladies are in this with me keeps me plugging along.

I do want to give one of my dear friends Toni a "WAY TO GO GIRL!" because she started Weight Watchers the week after me and has already lost 13 lbs. She was not very big to begin with, but she wanted to get her mojo back after having 2 little ones. She is right on track. She tells me you never want to "lose the hot factor". She keeps me accountable day to day as well, and she is a great taster for my recipes.

Here is a bad attempt at taking a picture of myself to show my progress. Lon wasn't home and this was yesterday. I think these pics are gonna help monitor my progress. On the exercise front, I started a new regimine with Lon last night and we will see how it goes. It is a Wii program called "My Fitness Coach" and it is much harder than my Wii Fit has been. I like the Wii Fit a little better because it is more fun, but the other is more difficult. We are gonna work out 4 times a week @ 30 min. per session to start.

This week's recipe is for my sweet tooth. I am a pumpkin fanatic. Especially during winter months. Pumpkin pie, pumkin coffee, pumpkin cheesecake, you catch my drift. This is called Pumpkin Fluff and it is my salvation when I get a pumpkin craving.

Pumpkin Fluff

1.5 points/serving

1 can canned pumpkin, large can -- not pie filling
1 pkg pudding mix, Jell-O SF FF instant, butterscotch
1 pkg pudding mix, Jell-O SF FF instant, vanilla
3 c skim milk
pumpkin pie spice -- to taste

Mix milk and pudding with hand mixer. Add pumpkin and spice. Chill. I top with 1 tablespoon of fat free whip cream. Yields approximately six 1-cup servings. 1/2 cup milk per serving which means you can not only count this as a serving of veggies (due to the pumpkin), but you can also count it as 1/2 serving of milk as well.


  1. Hey Girl! Just wanted to say THANKS for the "props", but you also deserve some for yourself! You are doing FABULOUS and don't beat yourself up! Thanks for the encouragement, suppers, and for being a GREAT friend!!!

  2. Great job!!! You are doing wonderful, keep it up for the both of us;)

  3. Lookin' good! I didn't even do one today. I just didn't feel like seeing the scale after all the eating I did this week. I'll be back next week.

    You really are doing great! Your such a good example to me.

  4. You GO GIRL!! WW is the only diet that I have done that really shows results. In fact, since I have had my baby 3 months ago I really need to get back on track....I think I need to start it up again.

  5. great job....that recipe sounds like the one I made years got me through some hard times when I wanted something look great in that picture...good job...pb

  6. Girl, you are looking like a sexy librarian in your photo! Great pic! You can tell that you are loosing. I'm so proud of you, Mandi! And I am sooooooo trying that recipe. I have all of the ingredients except the pie spice...hmmm...wonder if I could just use a little nutmeg and cinnamon?

    Have you checked out They have a lot of recipes that use pumpkin. They are all WW friendly too!!

  7. You look beautiful! =) I've been trying to eat healthy and have failed this past week because I have been sick!
    I love your sunglass craft below! My 3 year old would love that!
