Saturday, March 21, 2009

More Snuggly Friends...

I have been doing a little crafting in the last day or 2 and thought I would share my new creations. First off, I want to admit that I was reminded why a pattern is a good idea. I free-handed some drawings right on the fabric I wanted to use and then just stitched them up.

Henry the elephant turned out pretty good, but Mabel the Hoot Owl and Sassafrass the Frog were kinda quirky. Sassafrass was the skinniest frog I have ever seen, kind of the the Kate Moss of frogs.
I am glad to say that these critters, along with Lovie have gone to find homes with the winners of my friend's fundraiser. She is having it in honor of her mom, who has breast cancer. These will go the the 4 winners of the children's rounds. I hope they like them and I just am so honored that I was able to participate in a small way.


  1. The owl is my favorite! go you crafty blogger you. i have got to make some time to post and update my background. Tomorrow......

  2. Mandy...please make an Etsy shop! I am in love with that bunny and want one for my neice. These little creatures are soooooo cute! I just love them. Kate Moss of frogs...hahaha!
