Thursday, March 26, 2009


Today I will be taking part in the "Unplug" series by Kimba. Short of answering work e-mails I will not be online today. If you want more info., just follow this link. This is gonna be hard! Wish me luck and see you tomorrow!
** EDIT** I am a complete DORK and took the challenge on Thursday, but I was so productive that I will be doing it again today. See you Saturday!


  1. Yes, it's sad but true how much more productive one can be when one stops blogging. I had to go with out for a couple days this week out of sheer bedlam and busy-ness. It was kinda nice, but I could never give it up for good. It is my HAPPY PLACE!

  2. Hi Mandi,
    I've been unplugging a lot more lately...but just wanted to check in and say hello. I love the linkwithin widget and just added it to my site, thanks to you! Have a great Sunday!
