Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Lowcountry Lizards...

I was just scrolling through some pictures from this month and I realized I missed posting some really good ones! For a little background, we live outside Charleston, SC. Also known as "The Lowcountry" because we sit at or below sea level, depending on the tides. I ended up here because Lonnie is from here. One of the hardest things for me to adjust to when we first moved here were the lizards. They.are. everywhere. They are little green things that don't have any teeth, but are creepy all the same. I actually called Lonnie from work a couple of times screaming that one had gotten in the house. He would come home, catch it, and go back to work.

Well now that I have grown accustomed to the little critters, I pay them no attention. On Easter Sunday the lady sitting in front of us squealed because one was on her pew. Lon, being the gentleman that he is, caught it and took it outside for her. Point being, they are everywhere here. Even church. I have learned to co-exist with the little monsters. BUT, while I tolerate them and let the boys catch them and chase them, I will NEVER, I repeat NEVER do this with them:

Yes that is Lonnie with a lizard hanging from his ear like an earring. My boys think this is the funniest thing in the whole wide world. They laugh like crazy when Daddy does this.
Just a little glimpse into a day in my life.


  1. I would never do this ever!! I'm sure the boys loved it:)

  2. What, only one earring--that is so 80's--just kidding-- that is hilarious! I can just see 2 little boys having a fit of laughter over that..

  3. I have been to Charleston on vacation and love it but thank heavens I didn't see any lizards. I am with you no lizards for me either. Little boys would love it though. My nephew would love the lizards just as much as he loves collecting all those bugs. My poor sister (ha-ha).


  4. those little lizards are so gross....I don't remember them when I was a kid in Savannah but we had them everywhere when we lived in Auburn, Alabama...I would do the same thing...call somebody to come get them if they got in the house!! that red part of their throat is disgusting....grossssss...

  5. yuck. yuck. yuck. uggh, i'd have a heart attack and die. i'm sure the boys think dad's the coolest though!

  6. Oh that gives me the willies. Ewww. Your husband is hilarious, though. At least he catches them for you and doesn't make you do it. :)

  7. Growing up in Mississippi, we had those green lizards too. The boys would hang them from their ears and even their lips...eewww! They would chase us girls around with them. Do their tales break off too? That used to freak me out.

  8. My boys would love that. Everytime we go to Florida they try and catch one. I can't believe it stayed on his ear!! Good times.

  9. Okay, I have to mark this post because my boys will LOVE it!! How in the world does your hubby ever get a lizard to bite his ear??? We have lizards as well and the one at the last house was named Sam. We are Transformer fans so it was fitting I guess. Sam has now become a frog at the new nest. Well we are actually on sam number three because Sam number two...the first frog met his demise when he hopped on to the sticky paper in the garage. I think I was more devastated than my boys!
