Sunday, September 27, 2009

Busy Bee...

I'm still here. I know, it's been a while! Last week when I posted Weight Watchers Wednesday on Saturday I felt terrible for being so behind. Well, this week is over and I have not posted since Tuesday. I will do better. I promise! So, just in case you are curious about what we have been so busy doing, here is a quick update.

Weight Watchers Wednesday... I lost .5 lb. for a running total of 35.2 lbs. Very happy with the progress and at this rate I should be able to hit 52 lbs. by the end of the year (1 lb. a week).

Lonnie got inducted into his high school's Football Hall of Fame on Friday night, and we had company for the weekend. Here are a couple pics from Friday.
Here we are below his plaque.
I was just as proud as a peacock of my hubby. He is a very humble person, but this honor is saved for a select few and he was so honored they chose him.

I went Saturday morning to a huge community yard sale in Bluffton (right outside Hilton Head) with my mother in law and a couple friends. We had a great time and scored some great deals. I'll share those on Tuesday!
I somehow managed to talk Lonnie into helping me with one of my projects this afternoon. While Connor LOVES tools and helping Mom with her projects...
He looks like such a little monkey with his goggles on pushing down his ears!
Lon is not such a fan. He was a good sport about it though, and we managed to get started on my old door transformation. We are trying to turn it into a corner shelf, but when we started cutting it it started falling apart. I guess there is a reason it was free. We are making some progress and I am not one to give up, so I will post about it later this week when I finish it.
I hope you have had a wonderful week and I hope to be catching up with all my blogging soon, so much to share with you!


  1. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with your door. I saw a corner shelf made from a door at a shop a few weeks ago. It was adorable. Good job on your weight loss too! And congrats to your hubby. :)

  2. I love your blog. I always look forward to your posts.

    Congrats to your husband on getting into his High School Hall of Fame. That is a great accomplishment.

    Keep up the great work.

  3. Great job on your weight loss...keep up the good work! What a cool honor for your hubby!

    Can't wait to see your old door have an adorable assistant!

    Have a great week!
    ~Michelle :)

  4. Football hall of fame? Congrats to Lonnie! That's big news!

    Keep up the good work - you're looking great.
