Monday, September 21, 2009


I have been working steadily on several projects lately, and I thought I would share my progress on a few of them.

I went back to the Thrift store the day after I finished Connor's chair (here is the link if you missed it) and got Walker one for $3, but I just got it painted last week. Here it is:

I also had a baby shower this weekend, so I made a few goodies for that. A burpcloth, onesie, and little giraffe toy.
In all this crafty goodness, Connor asked me to make him an owl. I don't know why, but together this is what we came up with:
And I have been spray painting up a storm, but none of those projects are complete yet. Just when I think I am making some headway I look in the garage and see the other 20 things I still have to work on, but who am I kidding? I love my little projects!


  1. You have been busy. Those are all so nice and I love the shower gift.

  2. The chair is adorable! And the baby gifts - love them. So creative. :) Connor's owl is awesome too. You just have it all going on. :)

  3. How funny--I just made a onesie like that one, different fabric though, for a baby shower this coming weekend. Great minds really do think alike!

  4. Stinkin, freakin, flippin ADORABLE! And tell me, why is it that you do not have an ETSY shop? You have got some serious creative talent lady!


    p.s. The cowpoke shower curtain made me smile...LOVED it!

  5. Absolutely are very did an awesome job!

    Happy Tuesday!
    ~Michelle :)

  6. I thought that little onesie was THE cutest gift at the baby shower! I didn't realize until I saw the picture here that it was one of your creations. You do have some serious talent!
