Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Hey friends! I am so sorry for the unexpected blogging hiatus. My taking 3 weeks off was completely unintentional, but my "real life" has been so upside down and busy that my blog had to go to the back burner.

I had so much more Christmas stuff I wanted to post, and I didn't even get to join in on the Nester's Christmas party. Who knows, maybe I'll backtrack and put some of that stuff up anyway.

So what have we been up to? Well, both boys had their school Christmas programs...

And then Lonnie was "Santa" for both schools.
Can you believe the boys have no idea this is their dad?
As usual, I took on too many handmade Christmas projects and was scrambling to get them all done. I'll try post about some of those soon.

The boys have been sicker than they have ever been. So sick that Conman was actually hospitalized for a short spell. Here is my little guy about to be discharged chowing down on some Pringles.
Thankfully, things are starting to look up. The boys are finally feeling more like themselves. We had a fantastic Christmas and I plan to find my blogging mojo again soon. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas season, and I am gonna try to catch up with all of you soon.


  1. Well you were missed! I'm so sorry to hear your boys were sick. I'm glad they are starting to feel better. I hope you enjoyed your Christmas.

  2. Glad you're back! I love the pic of Conman in the hospital. I always take pics of my kids when they have surgery or are in the hospital... and my family totally makes fun of me!
    God's blessings on your New Years, Sarah :D

  3. thrilled you have returned!
    so sorry about the little ones... how helpless we are when they are so sick
    many blessings for 2010

  4. Glad to see you back! I am so sorry that your boys have been sick. I can sure relate - we've had a TERRIBLE stomach virus that has spanned the last two weeks. I'm so ready for everyone to be healthy! I hope you share some of your Christmas projects - I never showed anyone pics of what I did, but one of my resolutions is to start a blog where I can share some decorating stuff and maybe I'll share mine, too.

    Glad you're back!!!

  5. Glad you are back and that your boys are on the mend. I didn't post as much as I wanted either around Christmas. It seems to come and go so fast once Thanksgiving is over. Happy New Year to you and your family!

  6. Wow, you had a lot going on, girl! Glad you're back and glad to know your family is getting better! Happy New Year to you & your guys!

  7. Oh Mandi, I'm so sorry to hear that Connor was sick. He's better now though, right? What a crazy month you had. You were definatly missed though. Excited to see what you post in the new year. You've always got such great things up your sleeves.

    P.S. I really had to chuckle when you mentioned that the boys had no idea their dad was playing Santa. Way too cute!

    P.S.S I have a giveaway going on at my blog. If you get a sec, please sign up!

  8. Awesome blog! I am having Leslie do my blog as well.

    I am a new follower. Pop on by to my blog and follow back if you would like. It is nice to "meet" you!!~ Jewels from A Blonde Walks Into a Blog
