Monday, August 24, 2009

The Boss's New Chair...

I have been doing a little "junking" lately, and the boys have become big fans too. Last week we went to the local Habitat for Humanity Restore, and came across this cute little chair for $2. At that price I just couldn't pass it up.
We brought it home, and after a couple coats of paint, it has found a new lease on life.

Here is a close up of the details. Originally, I painted it green and blue but Connor kept pulling out the red so I finally caved and painted some red dots and it got a little more busy than I intended. He loves it though, and that is what matters.
I am probably gonna add his name, but I am gonna do vinyl letters instead of painting it myself. so there you have it, Con's $2 chair.
Here's "The Boss" trying it out. We will be going back tomorrow to pick up the another one for Walker since little man doesn't want to share it.

Walker has "oral surgery" in the morning. He has to be sedated to get 2 cavities fixed. I am a little nervous about it because the dentist appointment was such a disaster last month, but I am trying to put my mind at ease, afterall Matthew 6:27 says "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life ?"


  1. Super cute chair! And good luck wishes and prayers coming Walker's way tomorrow. Hope everything goes well!

  2. Praying extra hard for a successful dentist visit! Love ya!

  3. What a sweet little chair...great job! Praying your little one does well with his surgery. I hated when I had to let go of mine to the dentist....awww~

  4. Sorry to hear that Walker has to do that! He will probably be lessed stressed than you! It seems to go that way for me anyway! Love your cute chair! I have been looking for one exactly like that for a timeout chair idea that I saw! ARRRGGG! Give it to me! lol

  5. Precious little chair! And I don't know why you would order vinyl when you obviously CAN paint. Silly girl. Great job friend!


  6. Good luck at the dentist. What a darling little chair. Great job!

  7. you continue to amaze me....hope all goes well today....perfect scripture for your situation...later, patti b.

  8. Your paint job is amazing!! I mean, wow! What a flippin' stinkin' cutie pie chair!

    Said a prayer for your little man. Hope everything goes well today!

  9. Wonderful chair and a great verse!

  10. LOVE LOVE LOVE the chair!! It turned out so cute:)

  11. That chair is soooo cute. Poor Walker...going to the dentist is the pits.

  12. Were you able to get another chair? The one turned out so cute! I'm impressed with your painting skills. I can handle a can of spray paint, but beyond that, it's disaster.
