Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Weight Watchers Wednesday, Week 29

It is Weight Watchers Wednesday, Week 29, and this week I lost 1 lb. for a running total of 34 lbs. Yippee!! As always, I am happy that I had a loss, especially since I have not been completely motivated to eat perfect for the past week. I have done pretty good, but I'm sure I used more than the "Flex" points I am alotted weekly.

I have been exercising regularly with my exercise buddy Mary (Happy birthday friend!). I have decided that the accountability is key for me. Having Mary to call me at 6:20 am, 4 days a week as she is enroute to my house makes me get up and moving when I would rather just roll over. We did Hip Hop Abs this morning and it was the usual laugh fest. We have decided that we should memorize the whole routine and go bust it out at a club. Kind of like they did in the House Party movies. We're crazy I tell you, crazy.

I am gonna skip the recipe this week, and post a couple really helpful tools for those of you trying to do Weight Watcher's on your own.

I do feel obligated to tell you that none of these sites are endorsed by Weight Watchers, but I use them frequently on my own and have found their points to be accurate. I hope all my WW buddies had a great week!


  1. Yeah, 34lbs! Keep up the good work!

  2. You are going great! I need a partner...that would be nice. Or I could just get up and go for a walk.
