Just as promised, I got everything together for my drawing this morning. A Carolina ball cap, nothing else works quite as well. A boy in jammies holding dinosaur flash cards, and strips of paper with everyone's name on them. Oh yeah, you also need a camera that is acting up so you can take fuzzy pictures.
And the winner is Bryce's Momma! Congrats girl! She is one of my newest blog friends, but she could be a sister from another mister we are so much alike! I will send you a message to get all your info. and find out what you want. Thanks again to all who entered. I have made a fabulous bunch of friends from this blog and I love you each and every one!
Yay me! I NEVER win stuff. My mom is the queen of lucky though. I NEEDED this. My 1 year old thinks that he is in the terrible twos this morning. He won't eat! (Pause while I change him and put him back to bed while we pretend that the day hasn't started and will have a "do-over"). lol He didn't even cry (maybe he didn't want to see me yet either). He is a great self-soother. Makes me sad cause I wanna rock him. He lets me hold and hug him, but when it is time to sleep, he is better alone. Ok. So, here is my info.: Gwen Patton 1013 Legacy Blvd. SE Jacksonville, AL 36265 Gosh! I hope that none of your other crafting friends steal my info and send me gifts. lol. I am sooooo excited. I love me some handmade stuff!
You are so talented. I would LOVE a sock monkey. We call our little boy "monkey" sometimes too. His nursery is in a primary color western theme (my mom and I made his bedding with little cowpoke fabric, red horseshoe fabric and denim. His curtains are denim so he can grow with it. I found a lady who makes rag quilts in a western sock monkey theme, so that is what I was gonna do when we convert his bed. If a monkey is too much trouble, I love it all. I am not hard to please. Thanks for asking. Tell Walker, I will pay him later......lol
Congrats to Bryce's Momma! (I love that she spells Momma that way, I do too! :) )
Enjoy those little redheads of yours :) today!!
Congratulations!! Enjoy your new treat!!
Congrats to Bryce's Momma! Isn't it so much fun when you meet soul mates in the blogging world? I love it!
Hope things are good with you! Have a great weekend! :)
Lucky girl! Make sure you take photos so we can see how the sock monkey turns out.
Congrats to the winner!!
Hi Mandi,
Been lurking around here for a few weeks, but the Gamecocks hat was enough to bring me out of hiding,. I married into the Gamecock love and am always happy to see fellow fans! Also, as a fellow sister with a little more to love, I am so excited to see your WW progress. Keep it up!
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